With the state of the world, COVID, and gyms being closed people are finding it harder than ever to work on their fitness. In my opinion - fitness is essential especially during a time like this. It can combat the loneliness and depression that can come from a global pandemic and isolation.
Here are 5 exercises that require no equipment, just your body and you are able to do them anywhere. These 5 moves target all the largest muscle groups for the most efficient way to use your body and your time.
Lunges Lunges are a great way to work on balance, stability, and core work while working on the legs and glutes. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms down at your sides. Take a step forward with your right leg and bend your right knee as you do so, stopping when your thigh is parallel to the ground. Ensure that your right knee doesn’t extend past your right foot. Push up off your right foot and return to the starting position. Repeat with your left leg. This is one rep.
Inchworm to Push Ups
This move combines 2 of my favourite moves and it is a total body workout. It works our core, shoulders, and chest. You want to use your arms to walk out to a plank. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders as we lower our body weight and push our weight back up. You can complete the push up on your knees or toes, I like to add 2 pushups before using your core to come back to your feet before coming back into the pushups.
3. Squats
This is a move that you are able to do at anytime and helps increase our lower body and core strength. Because our legs are the largest muscles in the body naturally squats are a huge calorie burner. When you squat down you want to make sure you are able to move your toes, your weight should be in your heels. Butt and hips go back when we squat down and you are looking for a 90 degree bend in your knees. Make sure you can still see your toes! Your knees should be over the balls of your feet for proper alignment. You can add weights if you have them but our bodyweight does the job just fine.
4. Burpees
This is a fantastic total body move that focuses on muscle strength and endurance. You want to squat down, place our hands on the floor flat to ensure no wrist injuries!), either step or hop your feet back to a plank. Step or hop your feet in and come to your feet. To add an extra punch, add an extra hop when you come to your feet before you .come back down for another burpee.
5. Planks/Side Planks
A healthy body requires a strong core foundation. It is important not to neglect core moves like planks. Our core is not just our abdominals. Your core is your entire mid section including our back. Planks and side planks are great moves that target our core and stability as well as our shoulders as it requires strength to hold our bodies up. When doing a plank make sure your hands are underneath your shoulders, in a side plank your elbow should be under your shoulder as well. You want to have a wide base as this helps with balance and stability. It is important to remember that we want a nice straight line. Keep those hips and glutes down to really target the core. Hold for 1 min and you will never take for granted how long a minute is!
You don't need a complicated workout routine to get started and get fit! This 5 moves are the basic moves that all other moves are built upon. You will be amazed at how function this strength training is. This is perfect for the people who just want their everyday life to be easier. They want to walk up the stairs without getting winded, they want to play with their kids or go on long walks with their dogs. I like to create workouts that help people with functional strength and bodyweight exercises do just that! They make our lives easier! Try them out and let me know how you feel!